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Prognostic Health Management

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So far, Predictive Maintenance (PdM) has been carried out in Zone C, where the measurement values ​​were read outside the tolerance limits even though the equipment was still operating and did not appear to have any problems. However, when the equipment operates not as usual (an anomaly) that the sensors cannot detect, you need Machine Learning that works in Zone B


Zone B is extraordinary, you can know the appearance of an anomaly very long before the equipment is damaged/fails to operate. However, what if you also knew exactly what the problem was and when it would occur? This is what is called "Prescriptive Analytics"


Prognostic is a method for achieving Prescriptive Analytics, "where the Probability Machine Learning method uses Big Data and Data Series combined with a Knowledge Base in the form of Failure Logic or Failure History Records".


Everything is presented in front of you in the form of a Dashboard Monitor and you are free to explore more deeply. All anomaly events can be automatically entered into your CMMS as a "Service Request" This is heaven for Planners/Rendals, to plan: Budget, Work Order, Inventory, Outage/Overhaul, Production Plan

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